Joseph Tyro
Kia ora koutou, my name is Joseph Tyro and I was raised in Ohinehou (Lyttelton), a small port town close to my grandfather’s papakāinga te hāpu o Ngāti Wheke in Christchurch. I currently work as Investment and Infrastructure lead (Te Waipounamu) for Te Aka Whai Ora. Previously I was Director Māori Health for the South Canterbury District Health Board, for the past 4 years. I supported the development of a cultural re-set within its health system, by implementing Kia Tika te Ara (Correcting the Pathway) and Kaupapa Maori Leadership Programme. I am a registered social worker and have worked in health, education and social service sector for the past 23 years. One of my proudest achievements is the development of Lyttelton Youth Centre as a 16-year-old, as part of Lyttelton Youth council. I am proudly still involved in this programme as a volunteer.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa.
Culture Change Within the Health Sector Relevant to HDSS
Te Tiriti
Kia TIka te Ara
Kaupapa Maori Leadership Programme
Partnering with Maori community for Outcomes
Mana Whenua engagement
Nga Paerewa Health and Disability Standards
Workforce Development
Culture Change
Kia TIka te Ara
Kaupapa Maori Leadership Programme
Partnering with Maori community for Outcomes
Mana Whenua engagement
Nga Paerewa Health and Disability Standards
Workforce Development
Culture Change